If you have been working with SAP for a while debugging programs, you’ll most probably know the “/h” command, that activates the debugger from any SAP transaction.
Maybe then you have stumbled upon a program/transaction which does not have the command box enabled, so it would seem is not debuggable. An example of these transactions is CG3Y, which main window is a dialog, which locks the focus and does not allow the execution of commands in the command box at the top left corner.

In case we need it, how do we debug this transaction then? One of the solutions is having in hand an SAP command file. Open a notepad, paste the following code and save it with any name:
You can also download the command in a file from here 😉
Once you have the file, it is as simple as dragging the file and dropping it over the dialog window you want to debug, and the debugger will activate.

Once you perform an action (like hitting enter or pressing a dialog button), the execution will pause and the debug window will pop up:

Don’t you find this useful? See you in the next post!